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What our clients have to say…

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For all its traditional origins, Salzgitter AG is nowadays one of Europe’s leading steel and technology groups – an innovative producer of steel and special-purpose machinery with a global workforce of over 25,000 employed at almost 200 subsidiary and associate companies. Underpinning this success is the policy of highly professional communication pursued by this DAX-listed company in language with which employees, partners, customer and shareholders are equally comfortable.
Baker & Harrison have been supporting Salzgitter AG since 2001 on its path to growth, and provide services to various departments including Investor Relations. So we ourselves feel just a little proud that in past years these Investor Relations activities have frequently been very highly rated, while the Annual Report for 2008 which we translated won the Red Dot Award.
However we also handle communications for the Salzgitter Group as a whole, translating press releases, advertizing and trade fair materials, product and technology descriptions, and even sensitive internal material. The requirements differ widely: Publications issued by Salzgitter Mannesmann Forschung GmbH, the Group’s own research company, demand specific technical knowledge and maximum precision, whereas the sustainability report must comply with all of the relevant standards. And naturally, the articles and reports appearing in the employee and customer magazine STIL must be both exciting, entertaining and stylistically tempting to the reader, while at the same time communicating corporate values – regardless of language. But after so many years of close cooperation, that is not a problem for us: We long since also speak fluent “Salzgitterish”.

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Baker & Harrison assist us across the entire range of business communications, from our website, press releases, speeches and presentations through to interpreting at international conferences and customer receptions.
As well as this, they also handle all technical texts and materials such as white papers, strategy papers, documentation and contracts for us.

What makes Baker & Harrison stand out is the speed of their response, their flexibility, reliability and the high quality of their services. Over the years we have come to know Baker & Harrison as a highly flexible, efficient and dependable partner whom we appreciate not just for their outstanding quality but above all for their personal service and their straightforward approach.

“I have been working for over 20 years at various companies and on various projects with Christopher Baker. Baker & Harrison have served censhare AG since the company was first founded and has supported our successful growth. Baker & Harrison are and remain our partner of choice for all localization duties, and we look forward to working with them as we continue our international expansion.”

Dieter Reichert
CEO der censhare AG

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For the employee and customer magazine CU penned by Aurubis AG, Europe’s largest producer of copper and the world No. 1 in copper recycling, Baker & Harrison provides translations into the Group languages Bulgarian, French, English, Flemish, Finnish, Swedish and Italian – ensuring that the high quality of both the language and content of CU is maintained through the Group. The employees and customers of Aurubis AG can look forward to reading about important events throughout the Group four times each year in their own language.
Salzgitter AG, as befits its heritage as one of Europe’s leading steel and technology groups, also produces a sophisticated magazine for its employees, shareholders, customers and partners: STIL makes full use of diverse content and an unusual presentational style to showcase the versatility of steel as a material and the associated technologies – and in so doing underscores the competence of Salzgitter AG. Baker & Harrison has for many years been translating these exciting reports and background articles into English.
“The translations supplied by Baker & Harrison for the employee magazines produced by our DAX- and MDAX-listed customers Salzgitter AG and Aurubis AG always read with the same flair as the original. Linguistic sensitivity and a deep understanding of the content are here deployed to translate even complex subjects neatly into the target language. These are the kind of translations that Corporate Publishing at this level of good journalism deserves, which is why we have been cooperating successfully with Baker & Harrison for many years.”

Dr. Martin Schau
Geschäftsführer Schau Verlag

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For more than five years now, the Lindau Meetings of Nobel Laureates have used the services of Baker & Company for virtually all external translations. We have at all times been highly satisfied with their performance. The Lindau Meetings promote the exchange of ideas between scientists of different generations, cultures and disciplines. Each year in Lindau some 30-40 Nobel Laureates meet with around 600 excellent junior scientists from around the world. In addition one of our central goals is to integrate society into the dialogue surrounding education, science and research.

We regularly use the services of Baker & Company for various publications, outreach projects and general public relations activities. The content of our texts is predominantly drawn from the natural sciences, but occasionally also from the field of economics.

For our Mediateque, which is a learning platform sponsored by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Baker & Company have translated numerous presentations by Nobel Laureates available to us as audio or video files and transcribed these into German or English. The quality of the translations is at all times very high, and we are likewise more than satisfied with the speed of delivery. In connection with the 65th Lindau Meeting, for example, Baker & Company translated the Mainau Declaration on Climate Change in a matter of a few hours into five languages (Arabic, Chinese, French, Spanish and Russian). We have also frequently entrusted Baker & Company with the translation of urgent press releases.

We have no reservations in recommending the services of Baker & Company.

Wolfgang Huang
Kuratorium für die Tagungen der Nobelpreisträger in Lindau e.V.

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The German Stem Cell Network is an international network of scientists active in various areas of stem cell research, the majority of whom are working in Germany. Our communication with one another is conducted predominantly in English and German. The translation agency Baker & Company has provide us with outstanding translations for our bilingual annual magazine. Our texts are complex, given that their purpose is to convey specialist knowledge both to diverse experts as well as to the general public – the content is therefore technically sophisticated, but at the same time intended to be well written and easy to read. Baker & Company has achieved this aim in their translations to our fullest satisfaction – the English texts are precisely and accurately translated in a style which is appealing and a pleasure to read. We are very glad and very grateful that in Baker & Company we have found an excellent translation team with whom we have been collaborating, if not yet for very long, then nevertheless with great pleasure.

Likewise the fact that our texts have been very well edited and delivered with the utmost reliability is not to be underestimated. It was also a matter of importance to us to form a strong personal relationship, precisely because our texts are complex and scientifically sophisticated – and that is something we particularly like about Baker & Company: we have direct contact with both translator and editor.

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“As a specialist in derivatives trading in the “Scoach Premium” segment as well as in the OTC market, Steubing AG attaches absolute priority to speed and performance. For specialist translations, Steubing AG relies on Baker & Harrison, in part because they adopt the same approach to full service, but also because they possess considerable expertise in financial matters as well as an understanding of the particular requirements of the steel market.”

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Decades of excellent collaboration with Baker & Company.

“As an international agency specializing in strategic corporate communication with a focus on technology and HR, here at Maisberger we work with sophisticated texts drawn from the fields of IT and industry on a daily basis. Baker & Company have been supporting us for many years with translations that are always delivered on time, even at short notice and covering a broad spectrum of complex subjects. We value their reliability and flexibility as well as the quality of the texts delivered. We therefore look forward to many more years of excellent collaboration!”

Beate Faderl, Managing Partner
Maisberger GmbH

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As specialists in translation and interpreting as well as highly skilled spoken and written language processing, I have known Baker & Harrison for 25 years through my own activities as a translator. The ComuniCa Becel/Kasten translation agency, which specialized in French technical texts and in which I was a partner, preferred to cooperate with Baker & Harrison as its partner of choice where high quality was an imperative.
The professionalism displayed by Baker & Harrison in executing orders is evident in particular in their ability to deploy precisely the right specialist or specialists to handle the varied range of material offered for translation, from technical texts and operating instructions via company reports and balance sheets through to marketing texts and advertisements, and the detailed care they take in serving the customer from receipt of order through to final proof reading.
The same applies in the provision of interpreters. In July 2015 DIHA, the German Association of Trade and Industry in Albania, organized a high-profile conference to be attended and addressed by the German Federal Chancellor, and for which interpreting services were required. Once again despite the late stage at which the order could be placed on account of the diversity of sponsors and clients, Baker & Harrison was the only port of call for DIHA that could meet the requirements for high-quality interpreters and professional service.
We were very satisfied with the results and have no hesitation in recommending Baker & Harrison as a first-class provider of translation and interpreting as well as spoken and written language processing.

Anette Kasten
Managing Director DIHA

TEL: +49 89 85 83 60 8-0
FAX: +49 89 85 83 60 8-28

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Bergsonstraße 65
81245 München

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